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Sunday, January 16, 2011

I'm single, yes, but don't assume why

It's funny how people tend to assume a lot of things whenever they hear a person in his/her mid- twenties still single and never been attached. Here are some assumptions on why people are single that I wish to discuss and debunk.

You have shortcomings in the physical aspect:
I remember when I tried to engage the help of my friends to look for a date for me, many of the reponses of their so-called prospects go like “baka naman pangit yan ha(maybe she's ugly).” People tend to assume there is something wrong with how you look (or worse, smell) that's why you're having trouble getting a date. In their minds, a person blessed with gorgeousness as mine would never have problems getting a significant other right?  So definitely, there's something off with your face.  Excuuuussse me. 'Nuff said.

You are gay:
People think that if you're not ugly, then your being single should have something to do with your sexual preferences. I have nothing against gays or lesbos, but I never liked being assumed to be one. 1. It hurts my chances of finding a partner more as these kinds of intriga sometimes catches on, 2. It implies that I somehow am trying to trick people into believing I am what I am not, ie: stay in the closet and have a gay beard to cover it up more.  I am not that cowardly.  To finally settle the discussion, I am not gay. Although admittedly, my appreciation of the female beauty may have contributed to this assumption.  I'm pretty sure, this goes true with some singles out there.

You have high standards:
People who hear about my being single almost automatically assume it's because I have a high standards that have to be met. Funnily enough, they assume I want an intellectual badass for a partner. Errr...not necessarily. I just want someone who I can have a conversation with about anything and everything under the sun. Besides, I don't need an intelligent man to be my husband. Intelligence is usually inherited from the mother, and I have that  already covered ...ehem. Yes, I do have preferences like any other girl but only a few of them are non-bendable. My non-negotiables are the following: street-smart, kind-hearted, loving, respectful, God-loving, responsible, and has dreams. Of course, I should find him somewhat attactive and presentable, too. So tell, me, are these too much to ask?

You are not really looking:
I admit, I have once been absorbed with school work and later with my job. I am a recovered workaholic. I used to never have time for gong out, not even with family and friends. So maybe this assumption holds true before. But now, I even send out feelers to my friends, offering a dinner reward for a successful date referral, no kidding. And if you're reading this, you're welcome to join the referral program, too. Ask me for details. Hehe.

You are not willing to love and take risks:
Many singles have loved and have faced rejection.  So have I.  So I find it very unfair when people assume this.

Ever read an article about what things not to say to a single friend?  If you haven't, try reading.  If you have, then please do take heed and be more understanding. You'll of much more help if you try to widen your single friend's not- big- enough network. More often than not, and definitely true in my case, that's the the biggest problem keeping them single and unattached.


  1. hmmm so what do u want ppl to say to sibgles like yourself? haha.. but nice blog entry :d i like the way you write.. tsao!!! à bientôt!

  2. I'd rather they keep quiet instead. LOL. but if they have to speak I hope they're not baseless assumptions, especially if those assumptions somehow put the blame on the single person. it also helps to temper their words. lol. thanks thanks abby, haven't heard from you in a long time :) kamusta? are you in france?
