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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Greetings, earthlings!

Welcome to my blog!  Despite the name, you are not gonna read about a whiny, young(ish), wallflower complaining about how the world is full of jerks and scrubs.  Or maybe you are.  I have no friggin' idea. Mostly, it's experimental.  I just felt like my thoughts are important enough to be published.  Like my ideas are relevant to humanity and all that crap.  But if you are reading this, then maybe it is.  Or you're too much of a loser trying to feel good about yourself by reading how I struggle with loneliness.  I joke, I joke.   Basically, I'd like to see how long my singleship (whoa, I invented a word!) lasts while I enjoy my being unattached to the fullest. 

Yes, I am single since birth. I am 26 and a half (yes, i still use "and a half" like a pre-schooler) and never had anything close to a boyfriend.  I do not have an answer as to why I am still single, I dare you to figure out for yourself.   As far as I am concerned, I am a good-looking (ehem) intelligent woman (ehem-ehem) with a colorful personality to boot (EHEEERRRRMM). Not that I am bothered very much by my situation, mind you (operative phrase: very much).

Now why blog about it only now?  Well let's just say I used to think it will be a waste of time since I thought back then that I'll be attached "soon."  Several years passed and the only thing wasted is the time I spent not writing about it.  I wanted to write about it for self- inventory purposes, and letting people read about it will be to let them  pitch their two cents about it.  If anything, I've learned everyone wants to have a say on the subject.  I just want people to see what being single really means; dispel the common notions of desperation and loneliness while painting a realistic picture of being partnerless.  

Anyway, hope you'll have fun reading my posts. 


  1. my your first follower,,,pak!

  2. my only follower. haha how do i get more minions? :))

  3. i love this tarah...nice writing. keep this and we'll publish this in the future lol :)

  4. maytot, just read your comment. thank you very much. love yah!
